DIGEFLO™ – anaerobic flotation


Wastewater from food production, containing high levels of FOG (fat, oil, grease)  and suspended solids (such as flour, starch, etc. ) may be a source of a valuable energy. It may be effectively treated with DIGEFLO®  a family of anaerobic reactors with the high-rate separator, such as dissolved biogas flotation.

High concentration of bacteria flocks (flocullent sludge) effectively ingest organic compounds. Use of high-rate mechanical separators shortens the retention time and assures high COD reductions.

These compact bioreactors are especially designed for wastewater containing COD in range of 5.000 – 60.000 mg/l., rich in animal fats, suspended solids, or vegetable oils.

For higher concentrations we recommend our AnoxyMem® – Anaerobic MBR system.


  • Total process costs’ reduction - very effective treatment with COD reduction up to 92% and BOD5 up to 95%
  • Simple process – no pre-treatment solids or fats
  • Improves CSTR features with advantages of high-rate anaerobic reactors.
  • Possibility of action/functioning in a mesophilic and thermophilic range of temperatures (thermophilic with full hygienization of sludge)
  • Lower operation costs - the amount of sludge in the process is reduced to minimum, hence less spending on its disposal.
  • Saves space – the reactor is very compact, due to the short hydraulic retention time.